Monthly Archives: August 2013

Running Solo

Beware of wildlife

Beware of wildlife

The good thing about running solo is I can dictate when, where and the speed. Ahh, the freedom. Sounds good, aye? The bad thing about running alone is it’s a terrible way to make friends. The only interaction I get while out for a trot is the occasional smile from another runner. The small moment of solidarity from a kindred spirit adds a disproportionate amount of awww-fuzzy-feel-good to my run.

The social factor, or lack of it, is something I’ve rarely thought about in the past. I have plenty of friends, and running was simply the part of my day where I was happily alone. That all changed four days ago when I up and moved countries.

Now, as I go about settling into my new Vancouver home, I’m on a mission to make new friends.
This morning, I went for my morning solo run around the popular runners’ circuit at Stanley Park. I got a couple of smiles of acknowledgement. I think. But on second thought, they could have been bemused smirks as I diverged off track to give the placid, but very large, Canadian geese a wide berth.

That’s it. That’s the extent of social interaction from my beloved sport. Can I strike up conversation with a stranger on the run? Maybe. But it’s not guaranteed to be appreciated. Solo runners probably enjoy their freedom. Plus, I don’t want people to think I’m a creep.

And so I joined a MeetUp group for runners. A couple of times a week, someone will advertise a group run on the website, and anyone from the group is invited to turn up.

I haven’t yet built up the courage to go to a meet up. I’m a little anxious, as I won’t be able to  dictate when, where or the speed. But on the other hand, I will have people to help me fend off Canadian geese. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll make some friends.

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NOTE TO SELF: run with camera

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