Monthly Archives: March 2016

We are IronMan

They say triathlon is a selfish sport. Yet I’d never have thought during those months of training, those months of selfishly putting my needs before everything else, that the highlight of my first IronMan would be everybody else.

Months out from the big day, six of my loved ones said they wanted to be there. They wanted to take a day off work, drive a 10-hour round trip, and give up their entire weekend to stand on the roadside and cheer me on.

I was stoked and very humbled.image (31)

Then in the days leading up to the race, I received phone calls, texts and Facebook messages from friends wishing me luck. My sister had matching supporters’ t-shirts made up and my unofficial mentors baked IM-shaped cakes and presented two ginormous ‘Go Jo’ posters.

My parents took nearly a week off, first driving me to Tāupo, ensuring the fridge was stocked with the right food, buying me a pre-race massage, reading the 36-page athletes’ guide and studying course maps. More heroically, they put up with my pre-race tetchiness without a single complaint.

I was overwhelmed by the support, and I thought, there’s no way I cannot finish this race. People would know, people would be disappointed. I couldn’t let my friends and family down after everything they had done for me.

On the day, my support crew was joined by another couple of triathlon friends and my flatmate. My coach, who on the morning of my race ran a sub-3 hour marathon in New Plymouth, drove 277 kms to Tāupo to join the others by lunchtime.

When I thought I had maybe 10 supporters on the day, I actually had 17 people cheering for me. My swim coach, my coach’s wife who I’d met the day before, a girl I knew from high school, a friend’s friend who I’d met once four months earlier – all of them yelled a “Go Jo!” “You’re doing awesome!”, which boosted my spirits and made me grin like an idiot.

There were high fives, chalked messages on the road, photos at every turn, and a hell of a lot of yahooing.

One of the hardest parts of the race was the last 20km of the 180km bike ride. The head wind and gradual climb chipped away at my motivation. I thought of my supporters
then. 20km until I get some love! … only 19km until I get some love … 18km …

And they were still there at every lap of my 42.2km run, long after th12674331_461896340679898_664348265_ne sun had gone down and the temperature had dropped. Surely they’re over this? But no, they were still there. Still waving and yelling.

And when I finished, there was still more – gifts from friends (absent and present), IronMan gear from parents, my sister and my incredible boyfriend. Didn’t they get it? I should be buying them presents.

When I signed up to IronMan I considered it an individual pursuit of a purely selfish goal. But my supporters made it so much more. They made my IronMan a day-long celebration where I spent most of that swim-bike-run, grinning like an idiot.


Just some of the people who made my IronMan one of my most happiest adventures.

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50 thoughts every IronMan-in-training has

  1. I’m hungry
  2. Still hungry
  3. Oops, I didn’t mean to eat all of thatBrownie collage
  4. Yes I can be there … I may be wearing Lycra
  5. I love my bike, I hate my bike, I love my bike
  6. F— you wind!
  7. When I’m a normal person again …
  8. 9.30pm, Friday. Sweet, bedtime.
  9. 6.30am, Saturday. Sweet, sleep in.
  10. “How’s training going for your marathon/biathlon/fun run/sports thing?”
  11. Why am I doing this?
  12. It’s so so far, I just don’t know whether to laugh or cry


    16. Can’t. Training.

  13. Seriously, WHY AM I DOING THIS?
  14. Everyone else in the world is asleep right now
  15. I’m sorry I haven’t showered
  16. Can’t. Training.
  17. Yes 180km on a bike. No, just one person, in one day
  18. Why? Well, I’ll get a medal. And there’s the free t-shirt …
  19. I’m sorry for what I said when I was tired
  20. Get out of my lane
  21. Get out of bed you lazy thing!
  22. I think I’m actually getting slower
  23. My wetsuit has definitely shrunk


    23. My wetsuit has definitely shrunk

  24. Nope, too windy/rainy/hot
  25. I can do this! I’m going to be an IronMan! … [two minutes later] … I’m going to die.
  26. Has anyone else bought endurance sport bars and accidentally eaten them on the couch? Ok, yeah. Me neither
  27. [eyes up nutrition for the bike] … Ha, none of that is actual food
  28. Stop drafting off me!
  29. Swim swim swim SHARK?!!
  30. Swim swim swim SHARK?!! Seriously Jo, you’re in a pool
  31. What do you call a female IronMan?
  32. Even if I’m anaemic?
  33. I’d go much faster if I had a new —- [any tri-related toy]
  34. After this, I’m going to retire. I’m going to lie on the couch for a year. Still wearing the finishers’ t-shirt and stroking my medal.
  35. So the run is just four 10km laps plus a bit more. Easy.
  36. If I have to cycle 150km then that’s just three lots of 50, or one big 100 and one 50km or two lots of 75km, or ….
  37. I want to go home
  38. Ice cream. It’s mostly protein right?


    43. Holy smokes my arms are huge!

  39. Weeee! This feels so good. I want to do this all the time!
  40. It’s not a hickey, it’s chaffing from my wetsuit, honest
  41. Kona, eh?
  42. Has my Torpedo 7 package arrived yet?
  43. Holy smokes my arms are huge!
  44. What do you mean you ‘go’ on the bike? … ohhh …. Ewww
  45. [someone asks what the weather’s doing this weekend] “slight northerly winds in the morning, picking up to about 34km/hr by 1pm, about a 50% chance of rain, Sunday’s better …”
  46. Have you read Iron Wars?
  47. Please don’t let that be a puncture
  48. Coffee-coffee-coffee-coffee
  49. Wow, I cycled and ran so far today. [does the maths and realises that was a small portion of the race, cries, laughs, bends over to throw up]
  50. [Nods eagerly throughout the ‘I’m Training for an IronMan’ YouTube clip] See? Those Iron people aren’t so nuts after all.

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